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Calculator quotation business 4.5
Eric Joyé
Be the most responsive ! Negotiate fares with your customers, inthefield, without any risk of error. Just before leaving, convertyourcalculations into quotation and send him it immediately viamail orBluetooth. Watching demo video is ESSENTIAL to acquiretotal controlof your calculator. Try the free/demo version :Calculator orspreadsheet? ⛔ Currency conversion is no longeravailable due to thetermination of Yahoo Finance's freeservice.__________________________________________________ HELPWITH VIDEOS: ♦ Adding : ♦ Modification,debit,currency conversion : ♦Parentheses : ♦ Sub-total, discount, taxand copy PDF: ♦ Quotation: OF EACHVERSION: __________________________________ ###Free version ###(Calculator or spreadsheet ?) ♦ Demo of specificsfunctions ofMedium and Full versions ♦ Additions (Accounting) ♦Modifications ♦⛔ Currency converter (150 currencies) ♦ Link aresult of a row inother row ♦ Adding discounts or taxes ( VAT )manual or automatic ♦Rounding value of the total incl. taxes ♦Successive discounts ♦Two columns : debit and credit ♦ Can entervariables with [M=] key♦ Powers, roots and fractions in exponentialnotation ♦ Share copyin PDF format ♦ Sending, sharing or storingcalculations via email,skype, google drive (cloud) or Bluetooth ♦Offered : "Tipcalculation" ♦ Visible in daylight ♦ Right toleft andlocalized no indi-arabic digits support added for PDFquotations ♦No connection required__________________________________ ###Medium ### (Officecalculator) ♦ All features of the free version +no contains ADS. +save, backup and restore calculus + import fromExcel 97 - 2003(xls) + ⛔ give changemulti-currency.__________________________________ ### Full ###(This version) ♦All features of medium version + Share quotationsin PDF format +Export to excel 97 – 2003(xls)__________________________________________________SENSITIVEPERMISSIONS: ♦ READ_CALL_LOG:♦READ_YOUR_CONTACT to find the recipient of the PDF file♦FIND_ACCOUNT_ON_YOUR_DEVICE : to send a copy to the defaultsender(you) ♦ RETRIEVE_RUNNING_APPS : if you are running twoversions ofCalc'1
Accounting calc / spreadsheet 4.5
Eric Joyé
Breakthrough application: Calculator or spreadsheet, youdecide...«It is a great android business app that enables you totakeadvantage of both a calculator as well as a spreadsheet.»⛔Currency conversion is no longer available due to theterminationof Yahoo Finance's free service. █▒░ WHAT FOR ? • sum ofmanynumbers (one per line) • recalculate after editing any item ofthevirtual tape (history) • on every row, add a tax (salestax,vat,iva) or a discount • as in a spreadsheet, use a previousresult ina new formula (links) • ⛔ convert the totals in 150currenciesusing updated exchange rate • share your calculations(native,Excel, PDF) or turn them into quotation or invoice! This(free)version contains discreet advertising but is operationalexceptsaving data, converting into quotation in PDF formatorimport/export to Excel (test only). █▒░ FOR WHOM ?Salesprofessionals, (salesman, business manager and dealers):negotiateyour purchases or produce an estimate or a quotation.Businessleaders, chief executives, accountant or traders: as withaspreadsheet, simulate a cost price, or an estimated budget.Serviceproviders, craftspeople, self-employed or organizers ofshows:instantly produce on the ground, estimates, quotation orinvoice.Individuals, active or retired: • you can add a long listofnumbers (banks, salary, government, retirement, 401/k planorincome tax) • manage your expenses or purchases during thesalesperiod with multiple discounts (3 * 15 - 20% - 10% = 32.40) •checkprices or giving change while traveling abroad.Architects,landscaper, professionals of building or real estate(masons,painters or carpenters): perform easily field measurements(volumeand area calculations) Intendant, steward, paymaster, bursarorcommissary : with Calc 1, replace your desktop calculator, manageastock or do an inventory. █▒░ CALC’1 → THREE VERSIONS: ╟──Free(this version) • Additions (Accounting) • modification ofhistory •use a result in an other row (links) • ⛔ currencyconverter (150currencies) • adding discounts or taxes (salestax,vat, iva) manualor automatic • rounding value of the totalincl. taxes • successivetaxes or discounts • can enter variableswith [M=] key • threecolumns : debit, credit and variables •powers, roots and fractionsin exponential notation • share copy inPDF format • offered : "Tipcalculation" • energy-saving (black andwhite theme) • noconnection required • memory • demo of specificsfunctions ofMedium and Full versions with support of South EastAsia language,right to left (RTL) and localized oriental-arabicdigits for PDFquotations. ─╫─ Medium (Business commercialcalculator) ♦ Allfeatures of the free version + no contains ADS +save, backup andrestore calculations + import from Excelspreadsheet 97 - 2003(xls) + ⛔ giving change multi-currency.──╢Full (Calculatorquotation business) ♦ All features of mediumversion + sharequotations in PDF format + export to Excelspreadsheet 97-2003(xls). █▒░ HELP WITH VIDEOS: • Adding:• Modification, debit, currency: •Parentheses and links: • Sub-total,discount, tax and copy PDF: •Quotation: